Question: Why was the Old Testament translated into English?
It is essential, so that the “Old Covenant" can be understood in the total context of the “New Covenant”; and the Intermediate time of the Gentiles, see Romans 22:25–27, (this for English speaking peoples, as English is so common, world-wide)!
Questions: Exodus 16:33-34, 25:16 and Numbers 17:10, state Aaron’s Rod was in front of the Ark, while the manna and the tables were inside. However, Hebrew 9:4 mentions all three items being inside the Ark. Is there a contradiction, or are both accounts correct?
Different times, different purposes.
Exodus16:33: The continuation of Manna for 40 years. (Their sentence regarding the spies conflicting and conspired report later).
Exodus 25:16: The Ark’s travel instructions.
Numbers17:10: The budding of Aaron’s Rod, to be kept in the Ark, for the control and discipline of the people!
Hebrews 9:4: Speaks of the “First Covenant” in relative detail; and compares with the “Second Covenant”; and shows the need for the “Second” in V.9; but until Christ Jesus is the “High Priest” at His “Second Advent”, He is the “MEDIATOR” from Vs. 16 to 28.
The Two Covenants cannot be united in the Unity which God the Father Planned, until the Jews are at the point of Zech.12:10, and their “mourning” is completed for Christ Jesus; and the “number of the Gentiles is completed” (Romans11:25–27).
See: Covenants of God (Study) & Covenant God (Study)
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